
Showing posts from March, 2020

Pourquoi Félix Tshisekedi veut-il brouiller les pistes en accréditant la thèse du suicide par pendaison ?

La mort mystérieuse  de l’ancien patron des services de renseignement militaires sous «Joseph Kabila» et Félix Tshilombo a fait jaser les congolais de tout bord ainsi que des leaders politiques de toutes les tendances. Des commentaires et des hypothèses ont fusé dans tous les sens. Félix Tshilombo lui-même, foulant aux pieds l’indépendance de la Justice, a piétiné l’enquête judiciaire en cours pour conclure arbitrairement, sans aucun résultat de l’autopsie, au suicide du général par… pendaison !   Devant le tohu-bohu qu’a créé cette «mort mystérieuse» à la suite des versions contradictoires et cacophoniques des deux camps politiques au pouvoir, à savoir la coalition FCC-CACH, et à cause surtout des retombées politiques et sécuritaires que cet événement risque d’avoir sur l’ensemble du pays, nous avons estimé nécessaire de révéler au peuple congolais les résultats de nos investigations concernant les véritables causes de la mort subite de l’homme qui p...

la lettre de protestation version francaise

  VERSION  FRANÇAISE   A la Croix Rouge australienne                                                                      Birmingham, le 15 Mars 2020 Objet  : Lettre de protestation Copie  aux : – Secrétaire général de l’ONU – Président de la Croix Rouge Internationale Messieurs, Suite au communiqué d’offre d’embauche que vous venez de publier en Australie dans l’Etat de Nouvelle Gales du Sud, sur site  dont le lien suivant : , l’Alliance des Patriotes pour la Refondation du Cong...

lettre dela protestation adressee a la croix rouge australienne pour diffusion d'information mensogere


message des femmes dela resiatance congolaise a l'occasion del ajournee internation des droits de le femme

Message des femmes de la résistance congolaise à l’occasion de la journée internationale des droits de la Femme A SUIVRE SUR CKTV (Canal Kin TV) ce Dimanche 15 mars 2020 à 16H15 (heure de Kin) Emission “Les valeurs RDciennes” Rediffusion le Lundi 16 Mars 2020 à 22H15 (Heure de KIN)

Udps Base Pressure on Félix. (udps la pression sur felix)

UDPS base pressured on Félix Tshisekedi! This Tuesday, November 19 in the evening, a crowd of supporters of the UDPS, all ages and all sexes, stormed the installations of Radio Top Congo to demand that Félix Tshisekedi, their president and party leader, translate in court, Mr. DUNIA KILANGA for having called into question the "election" of Félix Tshisekedi as President of the Republic and therefore for having compromised his credibility and the success of his presidential mandate! Public opinion will remember the shattering outing of Mr. Dunia Kilanga, member of the FCC, before the "Kabbalist youth" in red berets. In his oratorical verve, he had publicly declared through the media: "Félix Tshisekedi had not won the elections by the will of the CENI. If the latter is in power, it is through the will of KABILA ” (sic)! Throughout the week, therefore, this rowdy statement continued to make headlines and make waves throughout Kinshasa. This subject is still th...

Honere ngbanda alert Congolese about balkanization of DRC

The success of the perseverance of the coherent speech of Mr. Honoré Ngbanda-Nzambo which has alerted the Congolese people for 20 years about the danger of the process of occupation and balkanization of the DRC, this success seriously worries Rwandan political circles around the world, more particularly the Tutsi lobbies as well as their Congolese puppets and collaborators. Indeed, they no longer know how to stop this powerful popular tsunami which is rising from all over the Republic against an enemy long veiled, but now identified! Image may contain: 2 people, seated people and textIt is in this atmosphere of panic that these Rwandan Tutsi lobbies are now using the services of their Congolese allies and puppets, especially the Taliban of the UDPS, to try to stop the disturbing man! And to do this, they chose to use their favorite weapon: ugbegwe (the technique of lying)! Thus they have just flooded social networks with a crude and ridiculous document whose only proven objective...


The fake Mai-Mai answer the call of Félix Tshisekedi and Paul Kagamé! On Wednesday, December 4, the Congolese press echoed the creation, since November 29, 2019, of a new platform of armed groups in the east of the Republic . This coalition was said to include six “powerful” armed groups from North and South Kivu, Maniema and Tshopo. The same press said that these groups had decided to join forces to give birth to a common front called "Network of Congolese Resistant Patriots" ( RPRC in acronym). These are the following six groups: 1- Nduma Defense of Congo-Renovated : by Shimiray Mwisha Guido who operates in Walikale, Masisi, Rutshuru and Lubero in North Kivu, Lubutu in Maniema and Bafwasende in Tshopo), 2- May-May Kifuafua: by Delphin Mbaenda (North and South Kivu), 3- May-May Simba UPLD : by Luc Yabili (Tshopo), 4- May-May Mazembe UPDI : by Kitete Bushu (Lubero in North Kivu), 5- May-May MAC : by Mbura Matondi (Walik...

By honoré ngbanda nzambo ko Atumba

Coordination Of The Activities Of The National President And His Cabinet Company Project Who Are We? Our Political Vision Our Statutes The Rules The National Council Of Apareco College Of National Executive Secretaries And Their Assistants Our Committees ALERT / Unbelievable but true: the Australian Red Cross is looking to hire a person who speaks “kinyamulenge”! Image may contain: 2 people, including De la Patria, glasses APARECO-NEWSLETTER Text & Videos Unbelievable but true: the Australian Red Cross is looking to hire someone who speaks “ kinyamulenge ”! VIDEO IN FRENCH : Image may contain: 2 people, including De la Patria, glasses and text VIDEO IN LINGALA: Image may contain: 2 people, including De la Patria, glasses and text By Honoré Ngbanda-Nzambo Ko Atumba - March 11, 2020 TEXT: I first believed in a bad taste gag when I read the first lines of the message coming from a Congolese compatriot who lives in Australia, and of whom I had not heard from for some ...